API Staff
Jan 14, 2023
A recent USA today article reports that one in seven Americans – 46 million people, rely on food pantries and meal service programs to feed themselves and their families.
 Hunger exists in every county in America. It’s an urban, suburban and rural problem.
 There is a broad range of people seeking this assistance. School bus drivers, janitors, receptionists,
military families are a few types of regular workers needing this aid. 28% of these are black, 20% are Hispanic, 43% white and 11% other.
 33% of households have at least one family member with diabetes.
65% of households have a child under 18 or someone 60 or older.
 Food banks are increasing their focus on healthy foods. People are starting to understand the correlation between diet and illness. Since food banks aren’t a one-time emergency stop anymore, it’s important to make healthy foods available.